Well, I'm taking a quick break from studying for my Biology quiz later today.
During this break I decided to watch an episode of Californiacation and this reminded me to sort thru my wallet. Since it was getting quite thick I've been sorting thru the contents in order to make room for my two new student ID's. Now, before I get any emails from enterprising young women (ie. gold diggers) who may think my wallet think because its full of "da chedda", let me list the contents, because it sure ain't cash money.
Below are the items who's journey in Jose's TriFold Wallet of Power have come to an end.
1) Orange County Library Card: I think I've had this for 8 years. I probably used it once. Tax dollars at work baby! I can't remember the book I borrowed, it must have been good tho.
2) Blockbuster Card: I think they have Hollywood Video or Movie Gallery here. Either way, Netflix and "borrowing from the Internet" have made this guy obsolete.
3) Univ of MO Student ID Card: Yes, for those that have seen my picture on this card, I look very angry and my hair...I'm not quite sure what was going on with my hair. The current explaination is: "The picture was taken early in the morning and I didn't know I was supposed to take a picture and wore a hat that day". I kept this card just in case I needed to use it for a student discount at the movie theater. Well, two updated ID's will do the trick (and now I can hide this picture for the remainder of eternity).
4) Warehouse Music Gift Card: Forgot this was in here...thanks again to whoever gave me that! I think Warehouse closed, but they may still be online somewhere so I can order me some 8-tracks.
5) Costco Membership Card: I could probably be hanged for having this here. I could just see myself being chased by a pick up truck filled with some unfriendly gent's yelling at me "Yur in Wal-Mart kuntry naw boy!". No Costco's round here, I think, mostly Sam's Club.
There were a few more casualties to the wallet purge, but we don't need to get into those grimey details (mostly old insurance cards, NRA and MENSA membership cards).
Thankfully, studying is going quite well. I've decided to attack my studies in a way that varied greatly from my first stint as an undergrad. Besides reading the book chapters before and after lecture, I've decided to do a count down of sorts. Since I know how many points I need to get an A in each class, I've started a log of all of my points so I know exactly where I stand after each lab, quiz and test. So far, so good. We'll see how this tracking system works. Either way I hope my new study habits work better than the former: "Sh!t I have a mid-term tomorrow, better start chugging a 2 litter of Mountain Dew!".
Alas, this break has gone on longer than it probably should have. I hope everyone had a good day at work today...just so you know I'll study for a bit longer than I'll take a well deserved nap. Shoot, studying has got me all tuckered out!
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