Well, the 1st round is over. I recently finished the 1st set of exams for all 3 classes. I'm happy to report that...I FREAKIN SMASHED IT! This is meant to sound like Shane Sparks.
Please don't take my comment as hubris. I am just very relieved that even after quite a few years, and much alcohol consumption, my brain still seems to function properly. I'm really liking this whole "going to class" and "reading the text book" situation. I've found that its quite helpful (please note obvious sarcasm).
To give you a point of reference of what I mean by "I FREAKING SMASHED IT", I'll put together a handy chart. This chart can be used as a translation key, a mini-Rosetta stone if you will, for translating the hieroglyphics of my grading scale language.
To put it in context, I have yet to miss a point in any of my classes. And, thanks to extra credit questions in Anatomy and Physiology I'm currently above 100%. I really thought the magical E.C. was tossed to the wayside after high school, and was taboo for college professors; but I will not forsake this forbidden fruit if offered.
I realize however that it is not about what I've done on the 1st barrage of tests, but rather, can I keep to my current standards and keep pushing. I checked my Magic 8 Ball and it said "Outlook not so good". Eh?
I of course threw the 8 ball against the wall while yelling, "If you no help me now, I say f#ck you Joeboo, I do it myself" (if ya don't know that movie reference, you need Major League help!). Sorry, that was a failed attempt at humor, but hey, I'm still happy about the tests so I'm a little loopy.
Ok, below is the key, please print it out and use it for future reference.
High standards? I hope so!
Well, I'ma reward myself by watching Slumdog Millionaire. Holla at yo boy!
Rushing and racing, and running in circles,
Moving so fast, I'm forgetting my purpose,
Blur of the traffic is sending me spinning, getting nowhere.
"Slow me down" by Emmy Rossum
Awesome job! You said it though, the key is to keep it going until the end. There's no doubt you could do it though.