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Did it work? Lets see; I've already been awoken by the tornado sirens, I've seen the temperature swing nearly 30 degrees in a day and I don't see any mountains any more. Yup, looks like it worked. As a good friend put it, I've effectively hit the reset button on my life.
I don't view this change negatively at all. Actually for the first time in a few years I feel a renewed sense of purpose. A direction. I think I didn't quite have a road map to follow and meandered my way through life. While, I did enjoy my pseudo-vagabond lifestyle, my future prospects left much to be desired. Hence the change not only in the scenery, but a complete revamping of my day to day. It seems that I am, once again, a college student.
Whoa. That statement is equally as frightening as it is depressing. Can my feeble brain readjust to the rigors of homework? Can I stay awake through lecture (class lectures may in some cases resemble a work day meeting, save for one vital aspect: you pay to go to class, while before I was paid to sit through a meeting)? Can I learn from the mistakes I made before to really enjoy my studies?
Its funny, when I look back at my first go around with college, I was in such a rush to finish and get out there in the real world. Then, in the real world, as the work stress would mount, I would look fondly back at the days when my only responsibilities were going to class (a task, however, I admittedly failed completing many times). I now have my chance. My life has rebooted.
2009 brings on a wealth of change. I for one, relish change. I like the opportunities change brings. I fully intend to challenge myself in school, instead of just coasting by. No more just doing enough. Another good friend put it simply. To sum up what was said: "You're lazy". Bull's eye. I don't want to be a vat of untapped potential. As the immortal MC Breed so eloquently stated: "I gotta get mine".
And, for the first time in my life, I will also attempt to keep a record of this new adventure. Hopefully this blog will be a way for me to record what going on with me. Its also another way for me to kill time between class work (especially since the xb0x won't be making the trip...Peter Pan complex be damned!).
If you've read this far I'm guessing you had some free time to murder as well. Sorry, that's time you'll never get back. Check in with me now and again to follow my misadventures in the Midwest. Till then, Boy Gaga out!
I'm enjoying the blog boy gaga. Keep it up :)