Friday, January 30, 2009

Super Bowl?

Oddly, as I get older the lure of watching sports all the time seems to wane. Don't get me wrong - I'm still a rabid Mizzou and KC Chiefs fan and will continue to try and schedule my life around those games - but my desire to watch other sporting events which don't involve "my" teams is fading.

I can remember back some years ago when I could just plop down in front of the TV on a Saturday or Sunday and watch football from morning till night. It wouldn't matter if the St. Mary's School for the Blind was playing the Eastern Vermont Technical College of Applied Biochemistry, I would probably watch. Usually if there was a TV on with sports, I would gravitate towards it, regardless if it was an out of market NBA game, a hockey game or even a nap inducing baseball game.

Now, I find myself very uninterested in the Super Bowl. The past few years I've been more excited to watch the commercials and really just go to Super Bowl get togethers for the "get together" rather than the game. Its not that I won't be rooting for the Arizona Cardinals this time around (they have the better underdog story), but I really don't care if I miss the game. Weird...

At least the weather cleared up for this weekend. We might even hit 50 degree's tomorrow! I'm expecting to see some people in shorts. Crazy b@stards!

I do have 2 movie recommendations. Now, many of you know that my recommendations should be taken with a grain of salt, as I tend to be a forgiving movie critic. Some of you may have heard my infamous line "If you take it for what it is" when referencing a movie. I guess I like the general experience of getting away from reality that movies have so I like/tolerate most movies. Wait, there is a movie I watched recently that I didn't really enjoy as much as I thought I would: Be Kind Rewind. I really wanted to laugh...but didn't really laugh that much. I did like the Sweded movie montages tho.

Ok, so the 1st 2 movies on my 2009 Must See List are Slumdog Millionaire and Taken. Both are fun movies with very different tones. Slumdog is definitely a date movie, I took my favorite dates: Handgela and Palmala. They are always up for a good time.

Definitely take time to see Slumdog and if you are in a vengeful mood, check out Taken. Time to put a ring on'em. Have a great weekend folks!

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Ding, ding, ding...

Well, the 1st round is over. I recently finished the 1st set of exams for all 3 classes. I'm happy to report that...I FREAKIN SMASHED IT! This is meant to sound like Shane Sparks.

Please don't take my comment as hubris. I am just very relieved that even after quite a few years, and much alcohol consumption, my brain still seems to function properly. I'm really liking this whole "going to class" and "reading the text book" situation. I've found that its quite helpful (please note obvious sarcasm).

To give you a point of reference of what I mean by "I FREAKING SMASHED IT", I'll put together a handy chart. This chart can be used as a translation key, a mini-Rosetta stone if you will, for translating the hieroglyphics of my grading scale language.

To put it in context, I have yet to miss a point in any of my classes. And, thanks to extra credit questions in Anatomy and Physiology I'm currently above 100%. I really thought the magical E.C. was tossed to the wayside after high school, and was taboo for college professors; but I will not forsake this forbidden fruit if offered.

I realize however that it is not about what I've done on the 1st barrage of tests, but rather, can I keep to my current standards and keep pushing. I checked my Magic 8 Ball and it said "Outlook not so good". Eh?

I of course threw the 8 ball against the wall while yelling, "If you no help me now, I say f#ck you Joeboo, I do it myself" (if ya don't know that movie reference, you need Major League help!). Sorry, that was a failed attempt at humor, but hey, I'm still happy about the tests so I'm a little loopy.

Ok, below is the key, please print it out and use it for future reference.



High standards? I hope so!

Well, I'ma reward myself by watching Slumdog Millionaire. Holla at yo boy!


Rushing and racing, and running in circles,
Moving so fast, I'm forgetting my purpose,
Blur of the traffic is sending me spinning, getting nowhere.

"Slow me down" by Emmy Rossum

Saturday, January 24, 2009

If you like it...

Well, I just recently got back from Mizzou Arena to watch the Tigers win over Texas Tech 97-86. A thoroughly enjoyable game, Mizzou lead the whole way so it was definitely fun to watch. My brother came into town and we got some last minute tickets with a couple buddies from college. We ended up sitting 1 row from the top of the Arena, but the arena is designed in such as way that the seats were actually pretty good. We were near half court and had a great view of the action. Pretty nice view for a 15k capacity stadium. I will definitely check out a few more basketball games this year, and try to get to all of the football games this fall.

I also got a great phone call from some folks in California. Thanks again for calling ya'll, it made a good day even better (and hope ya'll had fun in Beverly Hills)! I will cap off today by hitting the town tonight as well. Not really sure what we're going to do. Since Columbia is a big college town, we don't want to be "the old guy" at the club, so we'll probably try and check out some lounges. There supposedly a cafe that spins some good music at night, so we'll pop in and see what that's all about (I'll update on how that turns out).

The game and the phone call got me thinking though. As I settle more into a routine here, I don't want my blog to get even more boring than it already is, so I'll try and do a couple new things.

As an ode to Beyonce, I've decided that when I think of something I like or like to do, I'll "put a ring on it" (more on this below). Also, I'll definitely let ya'll know what shinnanigans I get into out here, to hopefully entice visitors out my way. There's got to be more to do out here than cow tipping...and by golly, I will find it!

Well, before I go do some studying (I have 3 tests next week) lets get into it real quick. As the ancient philosophers used to say..."If you like it, then you better put a ring on it":

Jamocha Almond Fudge Ice Cream. Need I say more? Put a ring on it!

Mizzou Tiger Football. Season is barely over and I can't wait for it to start again! MIZ...ZOU!

Red Velvet Cake. Seems like I had this at every wedding and birthday. Now I'm addicted. Ring it up!

Pho. I don't even know where I can get Pho in the state! I used to have a plethora of Vietnamese restaurant options and I took it for granted. I'm so sorry I took you for granted pho! I think I love you...

Boy Gaga out!

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Trifold Wallet of Power

Well, I'm taking a quick break from studying for my Biology quiz later today.

During this break I decided to watch an episode of Californiacation and this reminded me to sort thru my wallet. Since it was getting quite thick I've been sorting thru the contents in order to make room for my two new student ID's. Now, before I get any emails from enterprising young women (ie. gold diggers) who may think my wallet think because its full of "da chedda", let me list the contents, because it sure ain't cash money.

Below are the items who's journey in Jose's TriFold Wallet of Power have come to an end.

1) Orange County Library Card: I think I've had this for 8 years. I probably used it once. Tax dollars at work baby! I can't remember the book I borrowed, it must have been good tho.

2) Blockbuster Card: I think they have Hollywood Video or Movie Gallery here. Either way, Netflix and "borrowing from the Internet" have made this guy obsolete.

3) Univ of MO Student ID Card: Yes, for those that have seen my picture on this card, I look very angry and my hair...I'm not quite sure what was going on with my hair. The current explaination is: "The picture was taken early in the morning and I didn't know I was supposed to take a picture and wore a hat that day". I kept this card just in case I needed to use it for a student discount at the movie theater. Well, two updated ID's will do the trick (and now I can hide this picture for the remainder of eternity).

4) Warehouse Music Gift Card: Forgot this was in here...thanks again to whoever gave me that! I think Warehouse closed, but they may still be online somewhere so I can order me some 8-tracks.

5) Costco Membership Card: I could probably be hanged for having this here. I could just see myself being chased by a pick up truck filled with some unfriendly gent's yelling at me "Yur in Wal-Mart kuntry naw boy!". No Costco's round here, I think, mostly Sam's Club.

"Run, Hose B, Run!" (I actually have a shirt that looks just like that)

There were a few more casualties to the wallet purge, but we don't need to get into those grimey details (mostly old insurance cards, NRA and MENSA membership cards).

Thankfully, studying is going quite well. I've decided to attack my studies in a way that varied greatly from my first stint as an undergrad. Besides reading the book chapters before and after lecture, I've decided to do a count down of sorts. Since I know how many points I need to get an A in each class, I've started a log of all of my points so I know exactly where I stand after each lab, quiz and test. So far, so good. We'll see how this tracking system works. Either way I hope my new study habits work better than the former: "Sh!t I have a mid-term tomorrow, better start chugging a 2 litter of Mountain Dew!".

Alas, this break has gone on longer than it probably should have. I hope everyone had a good day at work today...just so you know I'll study for a bit longer than I'll take a well deserved nap. Shoot, studying has got me all tuckered out!

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Bears, Beets, Battlestar Gallactica

Well, the one upshot of having a zero social life out here is that I'm able to catch BSG (Battlestar Galactica for you NOOBS out there) when it airs on Friday nights. Yes, I realize that its pathetic that I'll probably be home every Friday, and even sadder to admit it, but I am excited about being able to catch the final 10 episodes of the best show on TV when it airs. Shoot, if I'm going to geek out, I'd better do it 110%! Go hard or go home! (or stay home in my case).

Next week will be a challenge however, because with the MLK holiday on Monday, my Bio class which runs from 5 to 10:30 has been moved to Friday. Luckily, its one of those labs where if you finish early you can leave early. Typically, I'm done by 8:30-8:45 so this should give me ample time to run home and catch it. Whew...that was a close one!

I do invite anyone to catch it if they can, but definitely start from the beginning. I expect very few takers to this offer. I'd say my favorite shows from TV are BSG, The Wire, The Office and How I Met Your Mother. Interestingly, they run the gamut with the differing genres. Dexter is right up there, and I'm trying to finish Arrested Development, which is pretty damn funny as well.

Tho it may seem so, I don't really watch too much TV, my fam here watches a lot of Filipino shows and movies, so I just keep up with some of the shows I like online. I have been watching some Eat Bulaga and other shows on GMA (if you don't know, betta ax sumbody!).

I did enjoy a funny, tho formulaic, Filipino movie called "Big Love". A classic "fat guy who likes a girl but she doesn't like him so he gets a cute trainer to help him get the girl and then the trainer moves to Japan and the fat guy loses all the weight and gets the 1st girl only to realize he was really in love the cute trainer". Check it out if you can, but an understanding of Tagalog may required.

Classes are going well, I've gotten 100% on my first set of quizzes. I've noticed that there is an odd correlation between going to classes and getting good grades. I haven't quite put my finger on it, but it seems I'm doing better in my classes now that I show up for lecture. Hmm...definitely worth investigating further.

Well kids, stay warm out there! And to any folks in California...F all ya'll, I think the coldness broke my face!


I’m so addicted to all the things you do
When you’re going down on me in between the sheets
All the sounds you make with every breath you take
It’s not like anything when you’re loving me

"Addicted" by Saving Abel

Monday, January 12, 2009

Vans = poor snow shoes

Well, day one of this new fangled school thingy has come and gone. Honestly the thing I worried about most was oversleeping. Thankfully I was pretty anxious this morning so I was up raring to go in plenty of time. The classes seem pretty straight forward, and dare I venture to say...easy?

We'll see how anatomy goes tomorrow evening, but so far so good kids! (Yes, I realize its only day 1)

Well the only other thing to note is the weather. Its a balmy 29 degrees out there. Though it doesn't really feel that cold (since there's nominal wind), but as I walked back to my car my ears, nose and toes did have that ohh so tingling sensation you probably get before frost bite sets in. Scarf wasn't enough, gonna have to get the cap to cover my dumbos.

Last note to anyone planning to head out where it may snow. Vans are ill suited for wintery weather. In the 2 hour span of my Biology lab, mother nature decided to dump a little bit of snow. Nothing too considerable (though I did have to pull out the scrapper to clear my windshield and windows), but enough snow on the ground ot help me realize that Vans are probably best when used in temperatures 50 degrees and above. Just an FYI.

Oh, and can somebody please remind me again why I didn't go to school in California?

Today's SLTSFMM:

And I got plenty more to learn if you've invested in me
They don't love me for who I am but who I'm destined to be

-Ludacris "I know what them girls like"

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Carpe Diem!

Seize the day! Well, tomorrow is the start of it. The reset button will be fully pressed by 9 am CST tomorrow. I'm somewhat apprehensive yet excited for class to begin. I have read up on the chapters for this week and feel pretty good so far.

The good thing is that all three classes are so inter-related so a lot of the material in one class will help with another (so I hope!). Also, the anatomy and physiology class actually use the same book and lab manual (but they still rape you on the prices. It was still $300 for the book!).

It sucks too because I have friends who have recently taken the same courses, but of course its one "version" too old so I have to get my own books. I swear, its like a mafia racket, yearly text book version updates. Its better than trying to covertly fund a casino to launder drug money.

Oh, as an added challenge, I've decided to take all of the classes in Japanese. Thats an accurate picture of my actual text books.

So, as of tomorrow I will no longer be signing off as Boy Gaga Vagrant Extraordinaire...but rather as Boy Gaga Repeat Remedial College Student!

Friday, January 9, 2009

Who needs resolutions? I'm perfect!

Crap...I think I should have written the resolutions on New Years Day. Isn't that what you're supposed to do? If not, doesn't that mean that you've probably violated whatever new resolutions you were supposed to make? And doesn't this invalidate the rest of the year? Wiping out 360 some odd days of positive change?

Oh well, here's to becoming a better person in 2010.

Just kidding, we'll just pretend that last week or so that just passed was just the "afterbirth" of the birth of the new year if you will (so 2009 hasn't really started yet). Sorry for the disgusting visual. In my attempt to ready myself in becoming a murse (yes, I spelled it with an "m" to give the emphasis on Masculinity), I've been watching as much Discovery Health and whatever shows I shied away from before because I thought they were gross.

I figure I'd better try to get used to seeing blood and poop so I don't faint at the first sign of an IV bag (this is a nod to a favorite story of my mom, who is a 30 year nursing veteran, but said when she was just starting out she passed out at the mere sight of an empty plasma bottle). Its not that I'm afraid of needles (my tattoos should prove that somewhat), I think my apprehension comes from actually stabbing people to draw blood and giving IV's. Oh well, I'm sure once I get my first one in there, I'll be all good. Any volunteers out there willing to help me out?

Shoot, sorry to go on a strange tangent there, back to New Year resolutions. I've made resolutions half-heartedly in the past. They've always been generic and are probably voiced by everyone while they're in the drunken stupor to New Year's Eve.

You know its the thoughts of: "get in shape", "be nicer to people", "stop chronic masturbation", "quit throwing frogs off the freeway overpass onto oncoming traffic", you know the standard stuff that everyone says. This year, I figured I would actually take some time and set some tangible goals, that hopefully can have a positive impact on everyone, including myself.

Here are a couple that I'm trying to actively do and keep track of. Of course the standard ones still apply (get in shape, be nicer, blah blah blah). As far as the other two I mentioned, I never had a big problem with the frog throwing.

1) Set goals (Lets see, this list is a goal, so that is an EPIC SUCCESS!)
2) Say "please" and "thank you" to at least 3 people every day (but only to a maximum of 6)
3) Go to sleep earlier (hopefully with the school load and workout schedule this works itself out)
4) Continue to paint (with the Xbox hidden safely away, this should free up about 10 hours a day)

They say the more resolutions you have that reinforce each other the easier they are to maintain. How are your resolutions going?

On the academic front, everything is shaping up well. I have my class schedule finalized. I have Physiology MWF at 9-11 am, Biology at MW 5-10:30 pm and Anatomy TR 6-8:30 pm. The only sh!tty thing is that my Anatomy class is in a town that is 45-50 minutes away. So, I'll be doing a little travelling for that class. For you California folk, that 45 minute drive actually means that it is 45 miles away not 10 miles (gotta love that traffic!).

I've already started studying my books. My plan is to have the chapters read the week prior to the class schedule. I'm already up 3 chapters on Biology and gotta get my physiology and anatomy books today (looks like I have a busy weekend ahead).

So my internet lurkers, its now on like Donkey Kong. Lets get FINE IN 09!

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Facebook is dead to me...

Yikes...someone must have just told my social butterfly of a mother how to start a Facebook account. No doubt it was one of her many international friends (or my evil sister).

That lady can make friends with anyone. If you happen to be waiting in line with her for more than 5 minutes, well congratulations you have a new pen-pal. I am pretty amazed at the amount of people she gets to know. She really should have been a diplomat or something.

Oh well, I have her "friend request" pending...I guess I have to accept right? Maybe I can just leave it in limbo and not log onto Facebook until the next big social networking thing starts.

However, my Facebook is pretty much PG. Per the Motion Picture Association of America PG is:

The PG rating indicates, in the view of the Rating Board, that parents may consider some material unsuitable for their children, and parents should make that decision.

I don't think there is anything too inappropriate for her to see. I'm a grown @ss man dammit! But around her I'm 12 again.

There are pictures with alcohol present and general revelry, but nothing incriminating... anymore. Thankfully I removed the pictures showing me driving a stolen police car while drinking a 40 and smoking a crack pipe (I put it here for reference). Ghost ride da whip!

I guess I'll have to accept the request...

Monday, January 5, 2009

Welcome to the year of the Ox!

Moo! Or in my case...Mizzou. Happy new year my dear readers (if there are any out there). 2009 is upon us, and I'm still writing 2008 on everything. Lets check the list to see if I got the new year started right:

1) Got blood work completed Check (The results came back...HUSKY)
2) Got my car "winterized" Check (oddly, something I never had to do in CA)
3) Got moved in Check (I'm now in my new "dorm room")
4) Froze to death Check (30 F'ing degrees! And it was a nice day)

This morning I drove from my brother's place in Olathe Kansas (just south of Kansas City) and decided to keep an unofficial and maybe slightly racist tally. I decided to try and keep tract of how many Asian drivers I noticed on my 2 hour drive east to Columbia.

Drum roll please.........


Interestingly enough though, I did see an Asian lady milling around the parking lot of the grocery store near my aunt's house. Now, I hope I didn't offend anyone with my not-so-scientific research study, I was just wondering if I had magically been transported back to California. Alas, it was not so.

Nothing else too eventful today. I did head over to the community college where I'll be knocking out a couple of my requirements (anatomy, physiology) but unfortunately they academic advisers were all locked up so I have to head back over there in the morning to finish registering.

A few months ago I would have been miffed at the idea of having to "go back" somewhere, but since going halfway across town only takes about 9 minutes...I think I can handle this minor setback.

Ok, enough academics, lets talk about something a little more fun...New Years Eve festivities!

I'm not sure where ya'll were but I decided to hit up a chill lil spot in LA. I didn't get in many pictures since the night was so crazy...shoot, it was so ill that sometimes it feel like I wasn't even there. Man, maybe I blacked out or something.

Oh well, here are a couple pictures, I'm kinda in the back ground, see if you can pick me out.

Where's Hoze B? Did you find me? If you did, you get the grand prize. A body roll from me to you. Ready? Skee-dush! (Don't know if that's a word, but that's what I imagine a body roll would sound like).

I've decided to try to end each blog with a song lyric that somewhat fits my mood as I wrap up writing. We'll call it the "SLTSFMM" (Hmm...that kinda looks like "sluts fame"). Ok boys and girls here the first official SLTSFMM from Boy Gaga (we won't count the MC Breed reference from the earlier post):

Don't trust a ho,
Never trust a ho,
Won't trust a ho,
Cause a ho won't trust me.

"Don't trust me" by 3OH!3

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Never move your stuff cross country...just sell it

Below is a map of the trip. We went the southern route to avoid the inclement weather and the mountains (we were chasing good weather so I again apologize to those I couldn't personally say goodbye to).

Lets break down the trip by the numbers.

Total miles driven when I returned the rental truck: 2008 (pretty F'ing spooky)
Total gallons of unleaded burned: 251 approx. (sorry earth!)
Total driving hours: 29 (over 4 days though)
States traversed: 7 (not counting state of exhaustion. Ha!)
Number of Hawaii license plates observed: None
Amount of Redbull imbibed: 5 gallons (maybe slightly exaggerated)
My new ability level of truck driving with a car in tow: Advanced (will not do don't ask me)

All in all, a good trip. Got to see some family and great scenery on the way. We made good time and the gas mileage on the truck was better than I expected. Most importantly, got there in one piece and so did all the stuff.

Who's down for a road trip? Do this!

Ctrl - Alt - Del

Ctrl - Alt - Del
Ctrl - Alt - Del

Did it work? Lets see; I've already been awoken by the tornado sirens, I've seen the temperature swing nearly 30 degrees in a day and I don't see any mountains any more. Yup, looks like it worked. As a good friend put it, I've effectively hit the reset button on my life.

I don't view this change negatively at all. Actually for the first time in a few years I feel a renewed sense of purpose. A direction. I think I didn't quite have a road map to follow and meandered my way through life. While, I did enjoy my pseudo-vagabond lifestyle, my future prospects left much to be desired. Hence the change not only in the scenery, but a complete revamping of my day to day. It seems that I am, once again, a college student.

Whoa. That statement is equally as frightening as it is depressing. Can my feeble brain readjust to the rigors of homework? Can I stay awake through lecture (class lectures may in some cases resemble a work day meeting, save for one vital aspect: you pay to go to class, while before I was paid to sit through a meeting)? Can I learn from the mistakes I made before to really enjoy my studies?

Its funny, when I look back at my first go around with college, I was in such a rush to finish and get out there in the real world. Then, in the real world, as the work stress would mount, I would look fondly back at the days when my only responsibilities were going to class (a task, however, I admittedly failed completing many times). I now have my chance. My life has rebooted.

2009 brings on a wealth of change. I for one, relish change. I like the opportunities change brings. I fully intend to challenge myself in school, instead of just coasting by. No more just doing enough. Another good friend put it simply. To sum up what was said: "You're lazy". Bull's eye. I don't want to be a vat of untapped potential. As the immortal MC Breed so eloquently stated: "I gotta get mine".

And, for the first time in my life, I will also attempt to keep a record of this new adventure. Hopefully this blog will be a way for me to record what going on with me. Its also another way for me to kill time between class work (especially since the xb0x won't be making the trip...Peter Pan complex be damned!).

If you've read this far I'm guessing you had some free time to murder as well. Sorry, that's time you'll never get back. Check in with me now and again to follow my misadventures in the Midwest. Till then, Boy Gaga out!