Sunday, March 1, 2009

I'm HUGE over in Japan!

I was planning to blog tonight about how I hate being saddled with influenza. I've been fighting off the flu for the past week, and think I've finally righted the ship and should be back to 100% by midweek (I hope!).

I do feel a little deflated since I haven't been able to work out all week...the longest workout absence since FINE IN 09 began. Oh well, I'll hit it hard once I can breathe properly and don't have a fever.

When I logged on I saw something pretty cool on Ran's site. Its a funny way to create an album cover for yourself. Since I'm always doing the "finger-pointing-album-cover-pose" for photographs, I wanted to give it a try.

Definitely check out his cover and also another friend's here. They have classy looking covers. Tho Ran does admit his band would probably be touring at Lilith Fair. Hehe...

Here are the basic "rules", as it is supposed to be random (I stole this from his blog):
  1. The first article you get from Wikipedia is the name of your artist/band.

  2. The last four or five words of the very last quote on this site is the title of your album.

  3. The third picture from Flickr's Explore page, no matter what it is, will be your album cover art.

  4. Use Photoshop or similar to put it all together.

This is what my album cover looks like:

In case you were wondering, I headline a J-Pop boyband called HPI : Happy Planet Index. This is the cover from our upcoming 3rd record "Not to prepare for life..."; dropping in May! So peep this at your local international music store!

Here are the links I got for the quote and the Wikipedia, in case you were wondering what HPI really is.

And finally, before I go to bed I wanted to share something I saw on a message board today. It may have circulated around for a while, but this was the first I had seen it. I really, really, really want to believe that this is real...

That is a man with a tattoo of Wolverine riding a My Little Pony under a starry sky! FANTASTIC!


Now I'm lost in you
Like I always do
And I die to win
Cause I'm born to lose

"Firefly" by Breaking Benjamin

1 comment:

  1. Haha :) That's classic! Now you must get an HPI tattoo to commemorate your album release ...
