Since college a childhood friend of mine have been batting around the idea of creating a graphic novel. We came up with rudimentary plot lines and ideas in college but after graduation, life kinda happened and we put the comic on the back burner. So, at the risk of become an even bigger nerd than I already am, we've picked up where we left off and started this thing in earnest. With the web and new animation tools, it should actually prove easier this time around.
Since I'm a huge nerd, I'm half expecting Johnny Lawrence and Biff to come to my house to harass me.
Well, with my new student lifestyle and since he is currently "between jobs" we are able to put a little more effort back into our little pet project. Like many young lads growing up, I shared a fascination with comic books. I didn't really have a favorite comic or particular superhero that I followed, but I was always a huge fan of the art. I'm not a great artist so I would just admire the comic art work.
My friend however, is a great artist, I'll post some of his initial stuff below. However, like many artists I think he sometimes loses steam and motivation. Its my job to push him so we can get this thing done then sell it for millions of dollars. If anyone out there is interested in staring in our soon to be released live action sequel, please email me an 8 x 10 glossy.
Here are some initial character concepts he is working on. Sweet!
In general news, it was a great day today. Temperature was in the high 40's but it was a cloudless day and there was a nice crispness in the air. I went downtown to study and relax at the local Lollicup. Its funny to me that there are actually 2 Lollicups and other places that sell boba drinks here in the middle of Missouri. I guess we're not that backward.
Let me dweeb out a little more by posting lyrics to a girly song that I'm listening too.
So I sneak out to the garden to see you
We keep quiet 'cause we're dead if they knew
So close your eyes
Escape this town for a little while
"Love Story" by Taylor Swift