Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Wild hair up my you know what...

And by "wild hair" I'm of course speaking figuratively (if you've never heard that saying, go "here" for an explanation). Besides, if I had literally had a hair there, I probably wouldn't share that with you. It would be my own private and intimate moment with the tweezers.

Back to this aforementioned "wild hair". After, speaking to a friend in length this past evening I'd gotten that familiar itch to try and write something. By "something" I mean something other than in this blog. I suppose that since my creative juices need some more stirring.

The hard part is that I am NOT a writer. I'm not an author nor do I feel particularly skilled in story telling. But, fuck it, I'm not expecting much out of it anyways.

I've never really written much. This blog is definitely the largest and longest writing exercise I've ever embarked upon. And since I can pretty much talk about anything, and since I'm usually just reporting back to you ungrateful heathens the activities in my life, there is very little pressure to produce any literary magic. I've written nearly 40 chapters of a script for that comic book/manga that I mentioned a while ago, but since the artist has been slacking...we're kinda stuck in neutral.

I've only written short stories before. I would say my masterpiece, my piece de resistance, was this short story I wrote in 8th grade English class about the forbidden love between Antone and Thora. It was a writing project during our Shakespeare section where we had to take a theme from some Shakespearean work and put our twist on it. Of course my story of the star-crossed lovers Antone and Thora was an ode to Romeo and Juliette.

The twist?

They were actually two different species of insects. Hence the names came from antenna and thorax, two parts of a bug's anatomy. It was definitely a tragedy as their home was destroyed in the end when the lawn mower came and brought bug Armageddon.

Side note: when we were young, my brother and I, along with some neighborhood friends would go around trying to kill wasps and hornets with badminton rackets. Stupid idea? You bet your sweet ass it was a stupid idea.

The wasps would make their nests under the awnings of the decks or under the gutters. We would throw rocks or shoot the water hose and try to knock down the nests we couldn't reach. Then once the nest was down and an angry swarm of crazy insects flew out, it was a mad melee of badminton racket swinging. The true challenge was being able to swat a wasp right at one of your friends. Ah...the dumbassness of youth.

So, if you were driving through my neighborhood in the late 80's and saw a bunch of young assholes swinging badminton rackets wildly in the air...that was me. Never got stung by a wasp though...did get bit by horse flies and a bee, but never a wasp or hornet.

OK, enough about my sordid past animal cruelty and back to my "wild hair". I've decided to write a story. I've been mulling around a couple novel story lines in my head and have some basic plot lines mapped out but haven't gotten down to writing more than a few scenes.

So, while I was showering earlier I figured why not just starting a blog for one of the stories. It would be a very "stream of consciousness" style of writing. No real editing, no real direction of where I'm going.

I decided I would choose the story I have that would be more targeted to the young teen audience. It's more of a fantasy type of tale. Not "fantasy" as in romantic fantasy, though I know one particular reader out there likes that genre, "No Choice But Seduction" ring any bells? Think more on the lines of Harry Potter or more aptly Never Ending Story.

The working title for this story is "The Cerulean". I haven't written much of a plot map or outline so I'm really treating this as if I was just sitting down with a child and telling them a bedtime story. Please forgive me if some parts don't make sense, I'm not going to be editing much of it so you'll be seeing the rough draft as it pours out of my meager brain.

I have a basic story line and a way that it ends, but I don't know what's going to happen in the middle. I'll be just as surprised as you, my dear reader. It is a little frightening to think about writing it since it will be out there for you to judge and laugh at, but I guess I'm OK with that.

I'll still keep up Reset Button of course, but I'll continue the story whenever the mood hits me I suppose. So, if you ever find yourself with even more time to kill, head on over to The Cerulean ( and laugh at my literary ineptness.

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