Tonight is my first weekend of the 7 pm to 7:30 am shift. I would be lying if I didn't admit that I'm a bit apprehensive. I'm not exactly sure why I'm a little nervous. I've been told that the night shift is much more relaxed and a lot less stressful than the days.
For one, there really isn't any bathing during the night (of course unless a patient has an "accident"). Secondly, we won't really be required to ambulate (walk) the patients much. I won't really be needed to do many other activities like run EKG's, pull IV's or strip beds if a patient is discharged. I suppose I'm just a little nervous because it is the first time and I want to make sure I do a good job.
My biggest challenge will probably be staying awake. As in most cases, work tends to fly by quickly if one is busy doing several tasks. My primary duties during the night will be to take vital signs every 4 hours or so, drain any fluid bags (catheters and what not) and to answer any call lights should the patients require anything.
The good thing about working consecutive days is that you tend to get to know some of the patients. You can build good rapport with them and it makes it much more enjoyable when you have to barge into their room to take vital signs or help them to the commode. Since I haven't worked in the week, I'm guessing it will be pretty much all new faces tonight.
Oh well, I am looking forward to tonight, I just hope my body adjusts...if not, I have a couple Redbulls in my locker to push me along.
I haven't done any movie reviews of late so I thought I'd bore you with a few right now. I'll break it down by movies that I think you absolutely have to seen, then movies that I would only recommend if you're really bored. Oddly, most of the movies I've seen lately have been snoozefests.
Alas, here we go.
3 Strictor Heads:
I won't get into these movies too deeply since they've been around forever and I'm sure you've already seen them. But, if you haven't seen these movies already then you should just go ahead and buy a plane ticket to Australia, purchase a boomerang then walk into the outback because you no longer deserve to live among us in civilized society.
I'm pretty sure you've heard of this one, only the highest grossing movie of all time. Its got 10 foot tall blue people who have sex through their hair. Strange, but oddly arousing. Then again, they hook up with everything through their hair. Does that mean they're having sex with the horsey things and the dragon things? Either way, F'ing fantastic movie.
Inglorious Basterds
Definitely not what I expected, but in a very good way. I expected more Reservoir Dogs but got a very, very smart movie. I especially liked the revisionist history...any many of you know that I pretend to be a history buff.
2 Strictor Heads:
Here are a couple movies that I would suggest watching. I liked them, and while they didn't necessarily exceed any of my expectations, I thought it was good popcorn fare.
Up in the Air
Clooney is definitely a guy who got better looking as he aged, I was looking at the list of movies he's been in and its getting quite lengthy. I liked the movie and thought the twist was refreshing. However, I didn't think Vera Farmiga's role was Oscar worthy. She was good in the movie, but I didn't think it was anything special.
Food Inc.
And no, I'm not just going off of the Oscar lists. But in case you ever wondered where and how you're food made it to your plate and into your belly, here you go.
1 Strictor Head:
I've seen several movies lately that have either disappointed me or were just kinda lacking. I know, you're probably shocked since I try and appreciate every single movie I watch, but there have been a few recently that just didn't live up to my very low standards. I won't list them all, just the ones that are somewhat fresh in my mind.
Year One
I thought this movie should have been much funnier. But something was really missing. I think maybe Jack Black and Michael Cera playing the exact roles they almost always play was tedious. I think they were aiming for a PG rating, but a movie like this could always use some on screen boobies. Onscreen boobies is always a good thing. Everyone say it with me: "Onscreen boobies is always a good thing"
Again, another movie that I thought should have been a lot funnier. I couldn't pinpoint it but something was lacking. It had funny moments, and it reminded me of a fun video game called Dead Rising, but it just didn't really work. Hmm, maybe it could have used some onscreen boobies.
FYI, I think I could survive a zombie apocalypse, IF I have the right people with me...and if there's a Wal-Mart nearby.
Last thing, I realized one error when I went ahead and allowed them to move my shift for this weekend...I'm going to miss the Paquiao vs. Clottey fight! Dammmmit!
Oh well, maybe some one out there can just text me the outcome of each round. Word.
Ok, I'm not sure what to do with myself since I have to to to work in a couple hours. I think I'll work out, shower, eat then iron my scrubs. Sound like a plan? Ok, ready? Break!
Oh, its another rainy day,
Another excuse for me to hide away,
Fog on the window, I write your name,
Oh, its another rainy day.
"Rainy Day" by Plain White T's
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