Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Family Gathering

Its been a little while since I've blogged so I thought I'd take a few moments to update my little internet journal. We're now a week into July and I can't believe the year is already more than half over! Dayaaaam!

I'm currently at my parents house back in Hays for a family reunion for my dad's side of the family. All 5 siblings of my dad's siblings and my grandma are here. Also, 4 of my guy cousins are here (this accounts for 40% of the cousins on my dad's side). I'm actually blogging while watching a couple cousins play Fightnight on the XBOX 360. And yes, I know its past 4 am, but hey, its a family reunion right?

I actually enjoy family reunions quite a bit. Though we have the same family drama and in-law problems that every family has, most reunions are really fun and very festive. If you spent any time with my family you'd understand where my crazy humor comes from. My relatives really enjoy a good prank and some good-natured ribbing. Even my older aunties are quite comical.

For one, my auntie from Wisconsin delivered some pretty witty one liners over the past few days. Earlier this week her favorite saying was:

"You think you're funny...sadly you're not." While the statement itself isn't that funny, her delivery, complete with a strange Filipino/Wisconsin accent is what makes it hilarious.

Not to be out done, my father heard her say that and replied with a very straight face:

"You think you're ugly...and you're right!"

Nothing hurts like a short Asian doctor telling you how it is. =)

I also realize that I either need to make sure I'm not mumbling my words and speaking too fast or that my aunties need hearing aids. We were talking about good movies to watch and we starting on the topics of Foriegn films.

Oh, quick shout out about the movie He love's me, He love's me not. This is a really well done French thriller staring Audrey Tautou, the girl from Amelie and Divinci Code. Check this movie out, it really makes you rethink how we preceive certain situations.

Back to my mumbling...I mentioned over dinner that "we should watch this foriegn movie, a Swedish horror film". I then saw wide eyes and then my aunties started a nervous laugh when I mentioned the title.

I asked my aunties while they seemed shocked.

I was enlightened when one aunt told me what they "heard". Here is what they thought I said:

"We should watch this "porn" movie, a Swedish "whore" film."

What took the cake is when I said the name of the film: "Let the right one in".

Hmm...I've probably already watched a porno by that name.

Lastly, here are a few things that I love about my parents house:

1) There is a TV in the bathroom. I actually "sat" thru an entire episode of Family Guy.

2) The mattresses are really, really nice to sleep on. Tho I have been relegated back to couch or sleeping bag duty while all the relatives visiting.

3) There is always food to pillage from the pantry. While most of it is healthy, I was able to find some yummy Coffee and some Strawberry ice cream in the back of the freezer.

4) I got to do some yard work again. After living in an apartment or condo for the past decade, I had forgotten how enjoyable mowing the lawn and doing some work outside can be sometimes. Notice, I said "sometimes".

5) I get to spend time with the parental units. It makes me sad to think sometimes, but each year I get older, I realize my parents are older as well. While my parents are extremely vital and still quite active, I realize how much I really want to be able to spend more time with them.

Ok, before I get too sappy and since I'm getting called out to whoop someone's ass on the XBOX its time for me to sign off.

More to come, and hopefully more pictures.

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