Friday, July 31, 2009

Ragnarok Approaches...

Ok, maybe I'm being melodramatic about my birthday (not too subtle reminder for you folks). In case you didn't know Ragnarok, is an armageddon of sorts from Norse mythology.

Seeing as my birthday is approximately 22 hours away, I sit here a reflect a bit. I'm normally a huge fan of birthdays and birthday celebrations. I'm also a big fan of cake (more on that later).

Typically I'm relatively enthusiastic about celebrating my day of emergence from the womb. But, after passing the magical third decade threshold; I'm a bit more reserved. I suppose some of this can be attributed to where I live now. In the OC, 30's are the new 20's. Hell, for some people, the 30's are the new 18's. However, here in the Midwest, I'm more acutely aware of how much older I am than many of my peers (though I still pass easily for a mid-twenty year old -- or so I think).

Oh well, another day wiser I hope. Today is actually my lovely mother's birthday. Shout out to my birth giver. Word to my moms.

I suppose that's why we're close. I missed sharing her birthday by 3 hours...I guess I wanted to chill in the womb a little longer so I get my own day/cake -- such a Leo.

I hope to have a pretty chill celebration. I'll actually be heading back to Kansas City and then to Columbia with my mom, siblings and the two little ladies.

Quick side note: Sleeping babies are the cutest thing ever. No, not just because they aren't crying, but they have such soft sleep. I was watching my niece sleep for a bit, and she would let out the cutest little sighs. She must have had a good dream at one point because she actually made a whistle.

I also had forgotten how much babies and little kids move while sleeping. I can remember back as a kid I would often wake up completely upsidedown or rotated at the end of the bed.

So, our family caravan will leave Kansas on Saturday and make our way East. Who knows, maybe we'll end up going out for drinks on Saturday night since my siblings will be in town as well.

I'm trying to finalize my West coast trip details as well. As of now, I'm not quite certain of the dates; though I will be there for the final weekend of August of course. I'm trying to figure out if I'm going to fly again. I may see a psychiatrist to help me with this phobia. I don't really think that would help. I would like to see a hypnotherapist...or I would appreciate if someone could just drop some chloroform into my soy milk - Mr. T style.

"I pity the fool who is afraid to fly!"

We'll see what happens...

I'll also be setting up my new spot in the next coming month. I think I may have mentioned it before but I'll be moving back into the condo my brother and I shared during our undergrad years. We'll just need to do some minor repairs and upgrades and it will soon be open to any midwestern visitors.

Oh, here's a random new feature of the blog. Lets call it: RCCOTM

That stands for Random Celebrity Crush of the Month. I know, kinda retarded but sometimes I have no idea what to blog about. So here is the RCCOTM for July 2009.

Shoot...I didn't really have one, so I'll just post 2 since I just saw them recently. And by saw them recently I mean on the internet and TV, not that you would have thought differently.

1A. Hyori Lee - Korean Pop star

I've never, ever seen a woman strike this pose in real life (other than yawning maybe). I'm guessing somewhere in a man's DNA we are genetically programmed that whenever we see a female this particular posture we immediately think: Aw HELL YA, I'd smash that!!!

Why is she RCCOTM?

My cousins actually got me watching a Korean reality show called Family Outing. It's a pretty entertaining show. Its very attractive when a pretty girl doesn't mind making fun of herself and can mess around. Check out one of her music videos for her song U Go Girl. I have no idea what she's saying...but I guess that isn't necessarily a bad thing.

1B. Anna Ellison - Art Director for Charm City Cakes

Russian dolls? I'm actually just like a Russian doll. You open my pants and there's another little me waiting for you....hmmm, that didn't sound quite right.

Why is she RCCOTM?

She's cute and she makes cool ass cakes. She's on the show Ace of Cakes on the Food Network. Check it out, its pretty sweet. Get it? Ahaha....haha....ha....

But, in the alternate parallel universe where we actually met and dated. She would break up with me because I'd probably put on 50 pounds and she'd get fired because I'd be secretly eating all her creations.

Ok, that's it from me right now. Next time I blog I'll be 32...sheeesh, when the F did that happen?

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