Sunday, May 17, 2009

A perfect Spring day...

The weather today was pretty awesome. With the big storm that passed the other day the humidity was way down and while there were some clouds, there was ample amounts of sunshine and a nice cool breeze. Ahhh...too bad it isn't like this every day.

However, I did do my best to ruin the perfect day. What did I do you ask? I decided to go for a run outside with my cousin. EPIC FAIL!!!

I think my lack of cardiovascular exercise will be the downfall of my "Fine in 09" strategy. We'll I probably got in a good mile before my lungs decided to stop working and my throat felt like it was filling with blood. Nice. We'll see if I can drag myself out again tomorrow and run some more. Its supposed to be nice for the next few days.

Side note: I had forgotten how gnarly these Midwestern storms can get. Pretty scary!

I have my last final in about 12 hours. As you can tell, I'm evidently not too worried about it. I am studying, but I'm relatively confident that I'll get the points I need to keep my A. Honestly, I'm more worried about not waking up in time and missing the final entirely. I also have to go resell my books after the test. I know I'm going to get jobbed on the resale value.

I'm taking a quick break while I eat a protein bar. Actually, while studying I'm actually playing the movie Der Undergang (Downfall in German). It's a movie about the final days of Hitler at the end of World War II. I'll probably have to rewatch it after my final as it is in German and I'm not really looking at the subtitles.

Eh, I'll probably stop it and just listen to some Celtic Woman whilst I study. Only 3 more chapters to review then gotta look at some comprehensive materials.

But, it got me thinking about my favorite World War II movies. Here's a quick list in no particular order. I'd suggest checking them out...but I'm sure most of you won't. =)

Reset Button's
favorite World War II movies (granted some very good movies got left off, but I wanted to limit it to 10):

Lets get the sad ones out of the way first:

Grave of the Fireflies

Want to have a good cry? Watch this movie and don't let the fact that its an Anime (cartoon) fool you. The first time I watched it I was actually pissed off that an F'ing cartoon could make me so sad. Its about a brother and sister who are trying to survive the firebombings in Japan.

Just wait till you get to the part with the rocks. Be ready for the waterworks!

Schindler's List

Liam Neeson is probably one of my favorite actors.


Not all together sad, but has sad moments. Great story though about some other sides of war that we don't often think about.

Three words: Monica. Bellucci. Boobies.

Now on to more Action movies. I'll do some of the older movies first:

A Bridge too Far

A great movie about Operation Market Garden in which the Allies tried to utilize paratroopers to take strategic bridges on the road to Germany. As with most wartime plans, a lot of sh!t went wrong. Tons of great actors in this movie too, would be a good one for a movie trivia game.

Dammit, I said no double parking on the bridge!

The Dirty Dozen

Need a crack team to operatives to go on a suicide mission behind enemy lines? Send in a bunch of prisoners with life sentences. Also, Jim Brown does a cool football drill with grenades!

Das Boot

This movie made me want to become a Naval Submariner for about 15 minutes. Then I learned about water pressure and implosion.

"What the hell do all of these gauges mean? AHHHHH!"

Memphis Belle

A great movie about the final required bombing mission of a U.S. bomber crew before they are discharged and allowed to go back home.

Enemy at the Gates

Talk about some tense moments. This movie revolves around the battle of Stalingrad between German and Russian troops. Craziness. You pop your head up from behind a wall and its liable to get popped off, F'ing snipers.

Who you checking out Jude Law? Is it the nanny? Niiiiice.

Letters from Iwo Jima

Another cool movie that explores a side of the conflict that we rarely learn about. It points out that most soliders are just kids who end up at the wrong place at the wrong time and have to do what they can to survive.

I guess he did in fact, bring a knife to a gun fight.

Saving Private Ryan

The opening beach sequence is enough to put this movie on any top ten list.

Ok, enough of this. Time to get back to the Renin-angiotensin system. Good times!

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