Tuesday, May 26, 2009

On the road again...

Before I get too it, a quick belated THANK YOU to any veterans and current members of the military out there. I have several friends who are currently abroad serving with various branches of the service and I wish them well and want them all to get home safely.

So, tomorrow I begin my Eastward trek to the Big Apple. We have a few things planned for the journey up, including a visit to the St. Louis Gateway Arch. I haven't been to that thing since 6th grade (or maybe 4th grade), so it will be fun to go up to the top again. I just hope that the rain that we've been having these past few days subsides while we visit.

I remember that the elevator tram that takes you up is egg shaped and it goes up like its going up stairs.

We also have a scheduled stop to a little pizza joint called DiCarlo's in Wheeling West Virginia. Its supposed to be a good pie and we should be hitting the Appalachians around dinnertime so it works out well.

We have a ton of options when we get to NYC (obviously), so we'll start picking and choosing where we'll end up. There are a couple "must do" things on my list however. First, its to finally see Wicked. I lolligagged when this was showing in LA and just never scheduled a time to go. However, it will be cool to see it on Broadway. Secondly, we'll be dining at Ninja New York. It looks like a fancy-shmancy sushi place, but it looks pretty ill.

My last must see item on my first road trip of the year is a visit to Gettysburg National Military Park. We'll actually hit this on the way back from New York, but I'm really excited for this part. I've already downloaded about 3 hours worth of guided tours onto my iPod so I'm good to go. Unfortunately, due to time constraints we won't be able to spend the recommended 4 to 5 hours there, so we'll probably do the quick auto tour and check out some of the highlights.

OK, so I've been trying to compile some figures and mileage. As we were planning this voyage I began wondering how many miles have I racked up taking such excursions. My love affair with the open road started at a very young age. Since we had a shotgun blast sprinkling of relatives all over the place our family would often hit the highways each summer and during some winter holidays. I spoke with my mom on many of the numbers from my early childhood to try and get some sort of estimate.

Please note that this is definitely an estimate. I'll really have to sit down one day and try and figure out exactly how many miles its been, but for curiosity's sake, we'll just do a rough break down. Now, I'm only counting trips greater than 4 hours. This will eliminate many visits "home" during my college years (my parents lived about 3 hours from where I went to college). I will also eliminate all of the quick trips from Orange County to Las Vegas.

I'm also not sure at all about how many times I've made the trek to the Bay Area over the past 9 years, so I'll just use a very broad estimate of 30. It may be more, but that's probably a good guess.

So, without any ado, lets take a look. I'll include some mileage estimates courtesy of Google for travel ONE way there, then I'll multiply that by the number of trips and then double that number (so I can account for the miles getting there and coming back).

Destination # of trips 1-way mileage Total miles

Childhood through College (from Columbia Missouri)

Disney World Orlando 2 1119 4476
Disney Land Anaheim/LA 2 1743 6972
Jacksonville FL 1 1760 3520
NYC/NJ 6 1072 12864
Toronto Canada 2 897 3588
Yellowstone National Park 1 1337 2674
Ames IA 6 348 4176
Edgerton WI 6 423 5076
Chicago IL 4 387 3096

College Days

Toronto Canada 1 897 1794
Oklahoma City OK 1 471 942
Lake Forest CA (flew back) 1 1836 1836
Chicago IL 3 387 2322
Nashville TN 1 435 870
Minneapolis MN (flew back) 1 557 557

After college (mostly from Irvine CA)

Jersey City NJ (flew back) 1 3031 3031
San Franscisco/Vallejo CA 30 422 25320
Lake Tahoe 1 530 1060
Columbia MO 3 1978 11868
Columbia MO (from SF CA) 1 1996 3992
Phoenix AZ 1 361 722



Dang...that's starting to rack up huh? Hmm, the Moon is around 240,000 miles away from Earth. So, with all of the road trips I've taken, I could have gotten almost halfway to the freakin Moon!

Speaking of which, I need to start getting the rest of my stuff together. I have to pack up all the road trip junk food and Redbulls.

New York City here we come!

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