Friday, July 31, 2009

Ragnarok Approaches...

Ok, maybe I'm being melodramatic about my birthday (not too subtle reminder for you folks). In case you didn't know Ragnarok, is an armageddon of sorts from Norse mythology.

Seeing as my birthday is approximately 22 hours away, I sit here a reflect a bit. I'm normally a huge fan of birthdays and birthday celebrations. I'm also a big fan of cake (more on that later).

Typically I'm relatively enthusiastic about celebrating my day of emergence from the womb. But, after passing the magical third decade threshold; I'm a bit more reserved. I suppose some of this can be attributed to where I live now. In the OC, 30's are the new 20's. Hell, for some people, the 30's are the new 18's. However, here in the Midwest, I'm more acutely aware of how much older I am than many of my peers (though I still pass easily for a mid-twenty year old -- or so I think).

Oh well, another day wiser I hope. Today is actually my lovely mother's birthday. Shout out to my birth giver. Word to my moms.

I suppose that's why we're close. I missed sharing her birthday by 3 hours...I guess I wanted to chill in the womb a little longer so I get my own day/cake -- such a Leo.

I hope to have a pretty chill celebration. I'll actually be heading back to Kansas City and then to Columbia with my mom, siblings and the two little ladies.

Quick side note: Sleeping babies are the cutest thing ever. No, not just because they aren't crying, but they have such soft sleep. I was watching my niece sleep for a bit, and she would let out the cutest little sighs. She must have had a good dream at one point because she actually made a whistle.

I also had forgotten how much babies and little kids move while sleeping. I can remember back as a kid I would often wake up completely upsidedown or rotated at the end of the bed.

So, our family caravan will leave Kansas on Saturday and make our way East. Who knows, maybe we'll end up going out for drinks on Saturday night since my siblings will be in town as well.

I'm trying to finalize my West coast trip details as well. As of now, I'm not quite certain of the dates; though I will be there for the final weekend of August of course. I'm trying to figure out if I'm going to fly again. I may see a psychiatrist to help me with this phobia. I don't really think that would help. I would like to see a hypnotherapist...or I would appreciate if someone could just drop some chloroform into my soy milk - Mr. T style.

"I pity the fool who is afraid to fly!"

We'll see what happens...

I'll also be setting up my new spot in the next coming month. I think I may have mentioned it before but I'll be moving back into the condo my brother and I shared during our undergrad years. We'll just need to do some minor repairs and upgrades and it will soon be open to any midwestern visitors.

Oh, here's a random new feature of the blog. Lets call it: RCCOTM

That stands for Random Celebrity Crush of the Month. I know, kinda retarded but sometimes I have no idea what to blog about. So here is the RCCOTM for July 2009.

Shoot...I didn't really have one, so I'll just post 2 since I just saw them recently. And by saw them recently I mean on the internet and TV, not that you would have thought differently.

1A. Hyori Lee - Korean Pop star

I've never, ever seen a woman strike this pose in real life (other than yawning maybe). I'm guessing somewhere in a man's DNA we are genetically programmed that whenever we see a female this particular posture we immediately think: Aw HELL YA, I'd smash that!!!

Why is she RCCOTM?

My cousins actually got me watching a Korean reality show called Family Outing. It's a pretty entertaining show. Its very attractive when a pretty girl doesn't mind making fun of herself and can mess around. Check out one of her music videos for her song U Go Girl. I have no idea what she's saying...but I guess that isn't necessarily a bad thing.

1B. Anna Ellison - Art Director for Charm City Cakes

Russian dolls? I'm actually just like a Russian doll. You open my pants and there's another little me waiting for you....hmmm, that didn't sound quite right.

Why is she RCCOTM?

She's cute and she makes cool ass cakes. She's on the show Ace of Cakes on the Food Network. Check it out, its pretty sweet. Get it? Ahaha....haha....ha....

But, in the alternate parallel universe where we actually met and dated. She would break up with me because I'd probably put on 50 pounds and she'd get fired because I'd be secretly eating all her creations.

Ok, that's it from me right now. Next time I blog I'll be 32...sheeesh, when the F did that happen?

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Don't TEAS me bro!

Ok, the title was a lame joke referencing this awesome moment in TASER history. Honestly if you ask me, the police were probably a little harsh. But, the dude was a bit of an attention starved douche nozzle. If you're going to be a little bitch, you're probably gonna get tased. Lesson learned!

Just wanted to drop a quick update about the TEAS test in case any of you out on the Internets was wondering.

Thankfully, I did well. I actually scored in the top 98th percentile nationally (the scoring was pretty immediate since this is the last scheduled exam for the academic year).

Woo to freakin the hoo!

This pretty much guarantees my acceptance to a couple of the programs here locally. However, I may not even need this test score because I may not go to those programs...more on that later.

On odd note tho, typically my English scores on these types of tests are the highest -- its been this way on the ACT, GRE & GMAT. But, my English scores on this test were my lowest. I actually scored a 57% on Punctuation! My overall English grade was 82%.

I guess, I don't know, how, to: properly use; commas & and colons, "or" semi-colons -- and, dashes!.??!

Thankfully, I was able to compensate my lack of Engrish noledge with a 100% in Reading Comprehension, 94% and 87% in the Math and Science sections respectively. Side note, I thought my Science score should have been higher, but they asked a few Physics questions -- a subject that I've completely forgotten about. Also the they asked some stoopid questions about rocks and clouds, who cares about that shit? =P

Oh, I apprently can't spell without "spellcheck" (this I do not dispute). But hell, who can these days?

Well, that test pretty much wraps up most of my summer responsibilities. The only thing I need to do now is figure out what program I want to get into.

Regarding that, my mother is executing a full court press about med school. Apparently she's already looking into medical schools in the Philippines so she can ship me back there, since my undergrad grades will probably not hold up here (ahh, to be 18 years old again and drinking the semesters away).

Lots to think about for sure...we'll see where the wind blows.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Time wasters...

So, I'm just killing time until I have to take my TEAS test. It's roughly 2 hours away and I'm ready for it. I had a good week of final review and took several practice tests. Again, its pretty much another SAT or ACT (depending on what side of the country you went to high school). Since I've already knocked out a GMAT and GRE (both of which I never put to any use by the way), I'm not too worried about this test.

I was thinking about working out now, but knowing my stupidity I'd probably end up straining a muscle and being uncomfortable during the test. So, I decided just to chill and head to campus a little early. Its an over cast day and its been raining off and on all day, but atleast the temperature is down in the 70's.

To help me kill time I've actually been frequenting a couple websites that I thought I'd share in case you haven't been there and need to kill some time. I usually jump onto these sites to have a quick giggle and to waste a few minutes of my life. If you "checked" yes to both criteria I suggest you pop on over to Texts from last night and FAIL blog.

Texts from last night is supposedly where people post text messages they received from the previous night's debauchery. Yes, I'm sure a lot of it is manufactured by people trying to be funny, but I'm sure there is a lot of truth in those text messages.

It made me realize a few things:

1) There are a LOT of whorish people out there
2) There are a LOT of people who get completely wasted out there
3) Why am I not a part of this LOT of people?

Here are a few of my favorites:

"(919): Seriously. Destroy her vagina. Do it like an angry baboon mating with a gentle manatee. " can't get much more descriptive than that. That is an awesome pre-intercourse pep talk. I was about to photoshop a descriptive picture of a baboon in the throws of passion with a manatee...but I thought its best to leave it to the imagination of the reader.

"(724): also, i may or may not be wearing a cape right now. hint: i am."

This could easily have been me after 4 too many Yeagerbombs.
"(205): woke up this morning wit a massive hangover. walked to my truck and found at least 35 for sale signs, a stop sign, and a julie kim sign...need answers
(1-205): yea, you decided to become a real estate agent last night on the way home from the party. You started bitchin about how Julie Kim was stealing all your buisness...."

Seriously though, Julie Kim is probably the best realestate agent in the tri-county area.

Failblog is just a bunch of pictures and video's people send in about "failures". I'm sure some of it is photoshopped, but much of it is entertaining none the less.

One that I thought was funny since I was actually looking at a children's maze book (not working on it, it was just near by!).

Hmm, looking at a maze with no solution makes me want to watch the Labrynth again. Jennifer Connelly is HOT!

Speaking of Jennifer Connelly, I finally watched He's just not that into you. I give it 2 Strictor heads.

It definitely had some cute storylines. Pretty cool ensamble cast. But damn, it really makes me not want to get married. Maybe just being together without having the whole wedding ordeal is ok. This on top of hearing from a childhood friend that he's going thru a divorce as well. I guess my stance is that I'm going to be damn sure I'm ready before taking the plunge. However, my favorite storyline in the movie is between Jennifer Aniston and Ben Afflect.

Well, I guess I'll start getting myself into "test taking" mode. FYI, that means I'll probably go take a dump and watch a movie from Netflix. Wish me luck!


In every loss, in every lie, in every truth that you'd deny
And each regret and each goodbye was a mistake too great to hide
And your voice was all I heard that I get what I deserve

"New Divide" by Linkin Park

Friday, July 17, 2009

Dora is a crackhead...

OK, Dora the Explorer isn't a crackhead, but after watching way too many hours of Dora over the past week or so, I think I'm going a little batty. First, I think it would make for a hilarious drinking game, and it would probably be very entertaining to watch if you were high. I'm pretty sure in today's episode the characters kept singing that they needed to get to "Cocaine Island". However, I was up pretty early to watch this episode so I could be mistaken.

"Hey kids, can you say Ya-yo? Ya-yo!". Bet you didn't know that Diego packs an Uzi!

I must admit though, the creators of Dora do have a great formula that captivates children (and simple minded people like me for that matter). I found myself answering the questions Dora and Diego would ask, and I've been repeating "Backpack, backpack, backpack" in a sing-song way in my head all day. Freaky...

I'm taking a quick break from studying to blog. I'm finishing up some final review for my TEAS test on Tuesday. So far so good. I should be ok as long as I don't start rushing through it. Sometimes during the practice tests I start getting bored or something and made some silly mistakes. Funny thing, I don't remember ever learning about sentence structure (you know, all that dependent clause and subject/predicate BS) during JR High or High school. Hmm, maybe I was in the Philippines during those lessons.

The rain was really dumping on us today. There are a lot of sky lights in my parents house so the sound of rain drops get really amplified. Its good though, the rain had been missing their town so we needed a good storm. Also, with the cold Northern air, its cooled down the temperature considerably. We're in the 70's today, albiet with overcast skies. Hopefully the rain stays away tomorrow so I can go mow the lawn again.

I plan to head back to Columbia on Sunday. I was going to leave today but decided to extend my stay a bit. This way I can spend more time with my parents, sister and my two adorable nieces. The little one was suffering through a bit of an elevated temperature so they took her to the clinic this morning. Thankfully she's fine, nothing a little bit of baby Tylenol can't help with.

That's all for me right now, its time to take a comprehensive test. Then, maybe go try and catch the new Harry Potter movie (hard life I know!). Best synopsis review I read about that movie: Horny teens pretend to care about Voldemort. Awesome!


I'm tired of all this round and round we go
You can't decide if you manna be trife or treat me right
So round and round we go
While I decide that I don't wanna ride anymore
I'm sick and tired of you taking me
Round and round we go

"Round and Round" by Ne Yo

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Family Gathering

Its been a little while since I've blogged so I thought I'd take a few moments to update my little internet journal. We're now a week into July and I can't believe the year is already more than half over! Dayaaaam!

I'm currently at my parents house back in Hays for a family reunion for my dad's side of the family. All 5 siblings of my dad's siblings and my grandma are here. Also, 4 of my guy cousins are here (this accounts for 40% of the cousins on my dad's side). I'm actually blogging while watching a couple cousins play Fightnight on the XBOX 360. And yes, I know its past 4 am, but hey, its a family reunion right?

I actually enjoy family reunions quite a bit. Though we have the same family drama and in-law problems that every family has, most reunions are really fun and very festive. If you spent any time with my family you'd understand where my crazy humor comes from. My relatives really enjoy a good prank and some good-natured ribbing. Even my older aunties are quite comical.

For one, my auntie from Wisconsin delivered some pretty witty one liners over the past few days. Earlier this week her favorite saying was:

"You think you're funny...sadly you're not." While the statement itself isn't that funny, her delivery, complete with a strange Filipino/Wisconsin accent is what makes it hilarious.

Not to be out done, my father heard her say that and replied with a very straight face:

"You think you're ugly...and you're right!"

Nothing hurts like a short Asian doctor telling you how it is. =)

I also realize that I either need to make sure I'm not mumbling my words and speaking too fast or that my aunties need hearing aids. We were talking about good movies to watch and we starting on the topics of Foriegn films.

Oh, quick shout out about the movie He love's me, He love's me not. This is a really well done French thriller staring Audrey Tautou, the girl from Amelie and Divinci Code. Check this movie out, it really makes you rethink how we preceive certain situations.

Back to my mumbling...I mentioned over dinner that "we should watch this foriegn movie, a Swedish horror film". I then saw wide eyes and then my aunties started a nervous laugh when I mentioned the title.

I asked my aunties while they seemed shocked.

I was enlightened when one aunt told me what they "heard". Here is what they thought I said:

"We should watch this "porn" movie, a Swedish "whore" film."

What took the cake is when I said the name of the film: "Let the right one in".

Hmm...I've probably already watched a porno by that name.

Lastly, here are a few things that I love about my parents house:

1) There is a TV in the bathroom. I actually "sat" thru an entire episode of Family Guy.

2) The mattresses are really, really nice to sleep on. Tho I have been relegated back to couch or sleeping bag duty while all the relatives visiting.

3) There is always food to pillage from the pantry. While most of it is healthy, I was able to find some yummy Coffee and some Strawberry ice cream in the back of the freezer.

4) I got to do some yard work again. After living in an apartment or condo for the past decade, I had forgotten how enjoyable mowing the lawn and doing some work outside can be sometimes. Notice, I said "sometimes".

5) I get to spend time with the parental units. It makes me sad to think sometimes, but each year I get older, I realize my parents are older as well. While my parents are extremely vital and still quite active, I realize how much I really want to be able to spend more time with them.

Ok, before I get too sappy and since I'm getting called out to whoop someone's ass on the XBOX its time for me to sign off.

More to come, and hopefully more pictures.