However, "old" to a 19-22 year old person is typically 25-28. So, I'm pretty sure most think I'm 25ish. I could be deluded in this thinking, but since there aren't too many Filipinos around for comparison's sake, I'm sure I'm safe. There are enough instances that do prove my point.
I remember when a few of us went out to the local night club after I had recently moved here. I ended up speaking with a waitress - who by odd coincidence was actually from Temecula CA - and told her I just moved to Missouri for school. She immediately told me: "You'll have fun here. Everyone is pretty much our age!". So I asked her how old she was and she advised that she was 21. Of course I nodded and quickly ordered a drink before she could reciprocate the inquiry. I guess you could say I'm "pretty much" her age. Lets roll with it.
Ok, enough of that and back to the cat skinning. I eluded to early that I may have inadvertantly "aged" myself infront of my classmates. In anatomy we are allowed to name our cat specimens, for fun and for identification later. My group, which included another young guy, was thinking about using the name Sex Panther. You know, as an ode to Anchorman.
Our professor, while she said she was a fan of the movie, didn't think it would be particullary appropriate. I suggested Simba, ala the Lion King, but a group of girls next to us who happened to have a tan cat, asked to use that name. Thus, being a gentleman I let them use the name.
Oddly, the next name that popped into my head was Billy Dee Williams. I just remember thinking about old Colt 45 commercials and thinking, "That's one smooooth cat". Oddly, I was the only one who got a chuckle out of this. My classmates asked who he was, so I brought up Lando Calrissian, from Star Wars. I still got blank looks. Then I realized, when I mentioned Star Wars, most of my peers reference the 3 new prequel movies (I, II, III) and not the ones I grew up and loved.

If I didn't know better, I swear this could be an ad promoting date rape. "Don't have roofies? Colt 45 works just as good!"

Lando: The man with the snazy blue lined cape and the funky dance step.
Regarding classes, I think I bombed my Microbiology test on Monday. I didn't study as much as I should have, and the stuff I studied didn't end up being on the test. Fantastic.
Oh, before I forget: KLONDIKE UPDATE
Games Played: 359
Games Won: 37
Winning Percentage: 10.3%
So, I've definitely up'd my winning percentage...
I'll leave you with a couple links to cool videos that my brother recommended to me and I pass along to you.
This is the literal version of the Aha's Take on me. They sing the song describing everything that is actually going on in the video. Pretty funny take on a great 80's song (dang, did I just age myself again?)
Apocalyse Meow is an computer animated series for grown ups. Its based off an old Japanese comic/manga about the Vietnam war (read it here). The cartoon is a play off the Japanese word for rabbit, which is USAGI. It is broken down to "USA - GI" or a US solider. So, the little bunnies totting sniper rifles and machineguns are an alegory for US troops. Each country is represented by a different animal. In the updated animal version it looks like it is taking place in Afghanistan so the other combatants are camels. In the original comic, the Vietnamese are Cats, Austrailians are Kangaroos, Chinese are Pandas, Russians are Bears, etc. etc. Its pretty funny to see cute little furry creatures launching RPGS.
It was the height I grew, the weight,
The shell was crushing you,
I've been around a few
"Gold Lion" by Yeah Yeah Yeahs
(I'll start trying to link the song that I'm referencing so you can hear what I'm thinking)
Since my Billy Dee suggestion went down in flames, my other lab partner - and soon to be turkey hunting buddy (more on that later) - wanted to name our specimen Crouching Tiger. I suppose he's probably has a mild Asian fetish (being a white guy in the Midwest), so I agreed and thus our Wu-Shu Kung Fu Cat came to be. Then we promplty opened up its chest and dissected its heart.
Regarding classes, I think I bombed my Microbiology test on Monday. I didn't study as much as I should have, and the stuff I studied didn't end up being on the test. Fantastic.
Oh, before I forget: KLONDIKE UPDATE
Games Played: 359
Games Won: 37
Winning Percentage: 10.3%
So, I've definitely up'd my winning percentage...
I'll leave you with a couple links to cool videos that my brother recommended to me and I pass along to you.
This is the literal version of the Aha's Take on me. They sing the song describing everything that is actually going on in the video. Pretty funny take on a great 80's song (dang, did I just age myself again?)
Apocalyse Meow is an computer animated series for grown ups. Its based off an old Japanese comic/manga about the Vietnam war (read it here). The cartoon is a play off the Japanese word for rabbit, which is USAGI. It is broken down to "USA - GI" or a US solider. So, the little bunnies totting sniper rifles and machineguns are an alegory for US troops. Each country is represented by a different animal. In the updated animal version it looks like it is taking place in Afghanistan so the other combatants are camels. In the original comic, the Vietnamese are Cats, Austrailians are Kangaroos, Chinese are Pandas, Russians are Bears, etc. etc. Its pretty funny to see cute little furry creatures launching RPGS.
It was the height I grew, the weight,
The shell was crushing you,
I've been around a few
"Gold Lion" by Yeah Yeah Yeahs
(I'll start trying to link the song that I'm referencing so you can hear what I'm thinking)
Apocalypse Meow is insane crazy. But the kind of crazy that I LIKE. I'll have to find time to read it this weekend.