Tuesday, June 29, 2010

I'm freaking cold!

Ok, so this is the first time I've ever blogged during a work shift. I'm working on a Tuesday night for the girl who helped me by taking my shift last Saturday so I could go attend a bachelor party. Why am I blogging and not out helping patients? Well, techinically I am helping a patient.

I'm in a "Patient Observer" room. Essentially this means I'm babysitting right now. Usually I loathe sitting. Time usually crawls and I feel much added pressure and sometimes I really feel for the patients safety. Tonight would be considered a very easy "sit". The patient pretty much sleeps all day and even when up, he's very friendly and talk-a-tive. I've had some nights where I've had to physically restrain patients going through alcohol or drug withdrawal, so this is a good change of pace.

I believe I'll get to be back on the floor at 11 when another tech goes on shift, and usually the nurses like having a male tech on the floor. I'm essentially a packmule or general beast of burden.

So, you may be curious about the bachelor party. I was actually quite excited that I was able to find someone willing to switch shifts with me. Usually, a 12 hour overnight weekend shift is not high on people's desirability list. The bachelor party was for a friend who I've known since High School. I got to see some folks that I hadn't seen in some years and met a few new faces.

It was a fairly prototypical bachelor party. One of the groomsmen's parents catered the affair with very, very tasty barbeque ribs and meat with all the fixin's. I think my brother even caved on his ban off "land meat" to eat some BBQ.

There was food, plenty of drink, and of course some adult entertainment arrived - for future reference (in case any of my future groomsmen read this), I'd rather not have this type of bachelor's party. I've never really liked or enjoyed the idea of strippers. I've been to a strip club a handful of times (probably literally 5 times), and I just can't let go of the reality of the situation. You gotta assume that those girls really don't want to be there - other than the monetary incentive of course - and they probably pity the men who go in there.

Oh well enough about that rant...

So, after the entertainment portion we headed downtown and hit up a couple bars. Unfortunately, the social crowd during the summertime in a college town gets somewhat scarce. However, we made the best of it and I believe we achieved the goal of any bachelor party: assuring the groom that there ain't no better alternatives out there for him. =)

Not much else new to relate. I was given a nice set of golf clubs but still haven't made it out to the driving range. I was planning to go this week, so maybe tomorrow after I get a few hours of sleep after work, I'll go brown my skin a little bit at the driving range.

I kinda surprised myself when I stepped on the scale today. I weighed in at 152, a weight I haven't been at since college I think. Oddly, I'm much lighter than I've been in years, but I still don't feel like I'm in very good shape. Actually going running outside is my next goal, but I'm still afraid of the sun and humidity.

I am excited for next week. I'm picking up my sister and her daughter then making the 6 hours trek west to deposit them at my parents house. The last time I saw my neice was over christmas so I'm excited to visit with her again. I hope to mow the lawn while I'm back at my parents house as well.

Till next time...hopefully I'll have more interesting things to say. Oh, I've been in a throwback mood with my music lately. Lots of 90's hip hop and R&B, thus the SLTSFMM this week...


She had a tattoo she only wanted boo to see,
But first dim the lights and turn up the Jodeci,
I'm like whatever shorty rock,
We can swing it like that,
Cause on the real this is where its at.

"Renee" by Lost Boyz

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