Speaking of Halloween, I had a great All Hallows Eve weekend in Kansas City. It started off great with a good Mizzou win against Colorado. We caught the game at a buddy's house in KC. It was an awesome clear and sunny day so we barbecued, had some beers and enjoyed the game.
The timing was great since my parents actually flew back into town from Florida that day so I got to see them as well. They had taken a week vacation down in Orlando and Miami. They really enjoyed the hot air ballooning, and were going to go zip-lining but didn't think the view was going to be all that great so they passed. I appreciate that my parents like to do cool new things like that. I was shocked when my mom went hardcore white water rafting in Europe a few years back, but she's a trooper.
We went out Halloween night with the crew we were lucky enough to run into the weekend before. After a brief prepartying at one of the guys house we headed down to the Power & Light district again in downtown KC.
I went as dumb, lovable scarecrow. Evidently not lovable enough because no girls wanted to give me any brain. =P

Evidently my brother isn't a very good surgeon. Though the boob jobs that night were buy-one-get-one-free. Any takers?
The costume was actually a lucky find at Wal-Mart. I was looking for fake straw and came across a yard-decoration scarecrow for $8. I basically tore the poor guy apart to make my costume. I did have to flex my crafty skills a bit to make the hat bigger. The orange portion of the hat brim you see in the picture; that was actually from the decoration pants.
Halloween was real fun. We got to enjoy some good music and good company. Hopefully I'll be able to make it back to KC and party some more before my brother moves from there in December.
Now for some good news.
I got a call today to set up my interview appointment for the Accelerated Nursing Program. I have my interview in the first sessions. I was told that the 1st session interviews are usually a good sign of admittance. Keep your fingers crossed for me.
I'm still waiting on word for a job interview. According to the hospital they have closed the applications and are reviewing the candidates. Hopefully that falls into place so I can get some clinical experience under my belt as well.
That's it from me...everybody bundle up out there. And wash your hands often to stave away H1N1!
Dont you know that I'm one of the coldest,
courageous, the boldest, contagious
ain't no one that can face this thing that I do
"Dinner Time" by Royce da 5'9
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