Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Defying Gravity!

It took me a little while to post up my weekend festivities update. I guess you can blame it on Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2. What's truly sad is that I don't really have a life that this should impede, but I'm limiting myself how much I play. I'm actually getting my ass handed to me whenever I play online (some of those little 12 year old bastards are way too good).

My dead body is obscured by the smoke. I was probably shot by some kid from Alabama.

OK, back to the weekend recap. Last Thursday I saw the musical Wicked with my brother in KC. Damn, I wish I had seen it when it was in LA, and I wish I had caught it the 2 times I was in NYC. Very good musical. I've scene a good number of musicals in my time and this one definitely gets a top 3 mention. In no particular order I also favor Miss Saigon and Avenue Q.

Watching the musical actually brings us to RCCOTM.

1A. Helene Yorke

I hope she can help me with my magic wand. I think if she shakes it for a while we can get that sparkly fairy dust out.

She kicked much ass as Glinda the Good Witch in Wicked. She stole every scene she was in. Great voice and not too shabby to look at.

For those of you who haven't scene the musical or don't watch Glee, the song Defying Gravity is definitely my favorite (and most people's favorite it seems). You can listen to the Glee cast's version HERE. I thought they did a great job with it.

I've often heard of the term "Sex Appeal" being applied to male musicians or singers who were, how shall I put it, not that fun to look at; but still landed tons of female attention. It's the voice or their musical abilities. I think I have only recently been more affected by this phenomenon. If there was one talent I wish I possessed, it would be singing ability.

This brings us to...

1B. Ellie Goulding

Nerdy glasses only belong on cool indie chicks. Guys should stop wearing them.

I thank my brother for introducing her into my life. The funny thing is that I'm most enamored by a remix.

So, don't blame the alcohol, blame it on the Starry Eyed (Jakwob Remix. Click the link and listen to it damn it!

So that was Thursday. Friday was pretty much a chill day. My mom had come into KC for a dental procedure so we pretty much just kicked it with her. A Costco run yielded a bountiful harvest of King Crab Legs so we enjoyed that for dinner.

My mom drove the 4 hours back to Hays early Saturday morning so that left my brother and I to fend for ourselves in order to eat the rest of the weekend. We hit up a good Korean place called Choga. It really hit the spot as I haven't eaten Korean food in quite some time.

Normally I'm not a huge fan of Korean food since my tolerance of spicy food is negative 2 on a 10 point scale. But I grubbed on Bulgogi while my bro had Bibimbap.

After dinner and thoroughly smelling like Korean food, we headed to one of our new KC Filipino friend's house to watch the Manny P fight. In true Pinoy fashion the house was full of food. We walked up to the guys in the garage sitting around a keg and manning a deep fryer; lumpia for days.

Obviously the fight was a great success and very enjoyable. I lost all nervousness and apprehension about the outcome after the second round. Pacman was in full control of the situation.

After the fight a few of us headed back to the Power & Light district in downtown KC for some more merrymaking. The great thing that I found out is that the bars and clubs are open until 3 am! This was great since we didn't get there until 1.

After a little more drinking and a little more dancing we headed out just before 3. On our way back to the car we ended up getting some food. I snacked on a jumbo hotdog and still found room for a gyro (it wasn't until later that I realized that we had eaten dinner at 5 pm the night before so I didn't really eat anything for 10 hours). Does food taste any better than after a night out? I would say no.

I stuck around Sunday afternoon to watch a laughable NFL game between the Chiefs and the Raiders. It was definitely a waste of time.

So, all in all another great weekend. I may be making another return trip to KC this weekend. My parents will be back there for one of my aunt's birthday party. I'm as yet undecided if I'll head out...its about 50/50 right now.

Oh, the interview that will determine my nursing fate is in roughly 17 hours. Wish me luck!


Hands clap when I’m rolling my body
That’s a seven if I was rolling the dice
I don’t care, I’ll be dancing upon your table
Steal your bottle and I’ll suck it down to the bottom
Think that I’m cute to you, just smile
What you gon’ do about it now?

"Let's Get Crazy" by Cassie feat. LMFAO & Akon

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

TV's Greatest Competitor

So, since I've still been a complete bum (more on that later) I've been able to watch a lot of TV during the day. For some strange reason I've been a weird Survivor and Amazing Race fiend for the past couple weeks.

For the first time ever, I'm actually following both seasons and have watched all of the episodes. Also, thanks to the Chinese interwebs, I've been streaming complete seasons of Survivor. I think I've already completed 3 full seasons. The only crappy thing is that sometimes the episodes get cut off so I don't get to see who gets voted off. But I get a nice recap at the start of the next episode anyways.

So, this got me thinking. Which show would I be better at. OK, before anyone out there starts laughing let me throw out two caveats for my imaginary realty show contest persona.

1) I have no trouble flying (this would be a pretty big barrier prior to competing on Amazing Race)

2) My skin would be able to take the rigors of constant sea water and sun exposure.

Ok, so lets assume that I have taken care of both of those hurdles (via hypnosis and extreme moisturizers). Lets break it down.


For some strange reason my face doesn't tan as well as my body. But I look pretty good after 30 days of eating only leaves and worms huh?

So this show has a great balance of deviousness and moderate levels of athletic ability. I think I have some rudimentary survival skills, well at least more than some of the folks that have been on the show. For good or for bad, I think I good enough at lying that I probably could make a few alliances then break them later. I think I could fly under the radar a little bit and probably stay in the background enough to maybe make it far.

Unfortunately, I'm not nearly as cunning or conniving as some of the other contestants. My height would probably be a distinct disadvantage in many of the challenges (add to the fact that I'd need to do about 6 months of cardio training prior to the show). Lastly, my poor, old man stomach may not be able to hold down the food that would be required to subsist on.


Align Left
Of course I had to go with my on-again-off-again girlfriend Kristen Kreuk. In case you were wondering, I was against her cutting her hair. But I guess she doesn't value my opinion much (that's probably why we break up all the time).

Don't be fooled by my odd ability to get lost while driving a car. I'm actually pretty good a orienteering and hiking and what-not. While my internal sense of direction isn't very good, with a map I'm pretty deadly. Also, I think I can stay pretty calm during challenges and not get too panicked. I think I have a healthy respect for other cultures and probably woudln't get too frustrated as the race wore on.

However, it is a race and in a lot of cases I don't like to rush too much. I'm probably not nearly as aggressive as is required to complete some of the "pushy" challenges. Also, with Kristen and my relationship, who knows, going on the race may cause us to break up forever.


So, which show would probably be a better fit for me? While Survivor would be lots of fun, I'd still much rather do the Amazing Race. You'd get to travel all over the world, sightsee for free and for a chance to win cash monies yo!

I guess all I need to do is get over this paralyzing fear of flying and I'll be good to go. Oh, that and I need to start dating Kristen Kreuk.

One last note...

I haven't put a "ring" on anything in a while but something awesome has come into my life. Welches Orange Pineapple Apple Juice. Can you say it with me? Repeat after me: FUCKING FANTASTIC.

I tried to find a picture of it but couldn't (meaning it didn't come up on the first page of the google image search). But, take my word for it, if you see this in the store, BUY IT! And when you drink it, think of me. I'll be lying naked in a bathtub emersed in gallons of that stuff. Can't you just imagine it? Glorious!


Since we in the club for now (for now)
Might as well get another round
Notice there ain't nothin in your cup
So get here and baby let me fill it up (fill it up)

"Say Ahh" by Trey Songz ft. Fabolous

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Baylor? Freakin Baylor?

I just needed to vent because Mizzou just lost to a 14 point underdog. MUTHAFUCKA!!!

Time to drink?

My Magic 8 Ball says:

Yes, Definately.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

2009 is flying by...

Is it just me or is this whole freakin year just flying by? Now that Halloween has come and gone, Thanksgiving is just around the corner. Christmas stuff is already popping up so that will be here before you know it. Then its New Years! What the hell?

Speaking of Halloween, I had a great All Hallows Eve weekend in Kansas City. It started off great with a good Mizzou win against Colorado. We caught the game at a buddy's house in KC. It was an awesome clear and sunny day so we barbecued, had some beers and enjoyed the game.

The timing was great since my parents actually flew back into town from Florida that day so I got to see them as well. They had taken a week vacation down in Orlando and Miami. They really enjoyed the hot air ballooning, and were going to go zip-lining but didn't think the view was going to be all that great so they passed. I appreciate that my parents like to do cool new things like that. I was shocked when my mom went hardcore white water rafting in Europe a few years back, but she's a trooper.

We went out Halloween night with the crew we were lucky enough to run into the weekend before. After a brief prepartying at one of the guys house we headed down to the Power & Light district again in downtown KC.

I went as dumb, lovable scarecrow. Evidently not lovable enough because no girls wanted to give me any brain. =P

Evidently my brother isn't a very good surgeon. Though the boob jobs that night were buy-one-get-one-free. Any takers?

The costume was actually a lucky find at Wal-Mart. I was looking for fake straw and came across a yard-decoration scarecrow for $8. I basically tore the poor guy apart to make my costume. I did have to flex my crafty skills a bit to make the hat bigger. The orange portion of the hat brim you see in the picture; that was actually from the decoration pants.

Halloween was real fun. We got to enjoy some good music and good company. Hopefully I'll be able to make it back to KC and party some more before my brother moves from there in December.

Now for some good news.

I got a call today to set up my interview appointment for the Accelerated Nursing Program. I have my interview in the first sessions. I was told that the 1st session interviews are usually a good sign of admittance. Keep your fingers crossed for me.

I'm still waiting on word for a job interview. According to the hospital they have closed the applications and are reviewing the candidates. Hopefully that falls into place so I can get some clinical experience under my belt as well.

That's it from me...everybody bundle up out there. And wash your hands often to stave away H1N1!


Dont you know that I'm one of the coldest,
courageous, the boldest, contagious
ain't no one that can face this thing that I do

"Dinner Time" by Royce da 5'9