Tuesday, January 18, 2011

The year before the end...

Well, happy new year to your folks out in cyberland. 2011 is upon us and since the world ends next year, we'd better make this the best year ever! On a personal note, my year started out pretty well so far, I was accepted to the Accelerated BSN nursing program here at Mizzou so I can final get this schooling thing over with and get a real job.

I can't wait to start bleeding people and putting leeches on the their wounds (those techniques are still medically accepted right?).

This was actually a game show back in 1634. Contestants had to poke an old person with a small knife and see how much blood they could collect. The hard part was that you could only make one small incision and only blood that squirted up like a found counted!

So, that is really the only new news I have to relate. It was a fun, those somewhat sedate, holidays for me. Since I still work the weekend overnight shifts, I worked on both Christmas and New Years eve. As per nursing tradition, we drank sparkling grape juice out of urine cups and ate pop corn out of bed pans to celebrate the turning of the clock. And yes, don't be gross, the urine cups and bed pans were only slightly used.

Today marks the start of the spring semester and I just finished eating my cereal jambalaya for breakfast before my 9 am class. I actually won't start clinicals until May, but in order to get a jump on my classes I was granted my request to take a class early so I don't have to take it in the summer.

This was suggested to me by several nurses I know who had recently completed the accelerated program as well. Seeing as it will be the only class I will take this semester I should do pretty well and being able to knock out one of the harder nursing courses will definitely ease my burden when clinicals start up.

The only tough thing about this class is that the main lecture is from 8 am to 11 am on Mondays. In order to get 75% off of my tuition I will continue to work full time this semester so this means I have to be able to stay awake through 3 hours of Pathophysiology after working 3 straight 12 hour night shifts. I'll probably drink a RedBull or 5-hour energy around 6 Monday morning before I get off of work to keep me up in class. Thankfully the Tuesday portion is only an hour long and should be more interactive (also all of the tests are on Tuesday giving me a day to get lots of sleep before having to take an exam).

OK, I should probably stop blogging so I can get ready to go. It only takes about 5 minutes to drive to campus but I need to get in a little bit earlier so I can turn in my official "acceptance letter" into the program. Yippiekayaymuthafucka!


If you want to play it like a game,
Well come on, come on, lets play,
Cause I'd rather waste my life pretending,
Than have to forget you for one whole minute

"Crush Crush (Dub Step Remix)" by Paramore

1 comment:

  1. Congrats again on being accepted to the program bro :D
