So 155 lbs., this means I've lost over 25 lbs since moving from California. I know this won't qualify me for America's Biggest Loser or anything but DAMN, could ya'll have told me that I had gotten so fat!!! It's hard to figure that I've shed that much but looking back on some old pictures I can really see how round my face was. Such as sad, sad situation. Oh well, this means I can start engorging on some Jamocha Almond Fudge ice cream again!
I'll let you know how the whole P90X thing goes. It will be a bitch to do on the weekends though, since I work 12 hr (sometimes 16 hr) night shifts. But, I suppose if I wanted to get "cut up" for the summer I should start now. Actually, had I started yesterday I would have ended exactly on my birthday...which is August 1st (not so subtle reminder for ya'll out there).
Not too much new going on here. Work is going very well. I'm really enjoying myself and can't wait to get started back to classes in earnest. It's too bad that I didn't have this motivation to get going early, but I guess everything happens for a reason and its all a journey we must take for ourselves. I've already gotten written kudos from some patients and my coworkers seem to tolerate me.
Also, its nearly two months and I haven't fainted or even come close to throwing up so I think I may be home free. The strangest thing though, I can take gaping open wounds, but IV lines still bug me. I think its just the thought of something INSIDE your vein or artery that still gets to me. Oh well, just more desensitization I suppose. Thankfully, the nurses are keenly aware of my "IV" phobia so they call me into a room whenever they have to start a new IV line or have to draw some blood.
I'm lucky to have been hired on the floor that I got though, since I've gotten to see a lot of different procedures and different types of patients.
Oh, the only other thing that I still cringe a bit with is the insertion of a male catheter. If you're not aware of what a catheter is, here is a diagram:

In case you can't tell what that picture is...its a hose that is inserted into a male's yoohoo to drain out urine in the bladder. Thank god that the little balloon that holds the badboy in place in inflated after its inserted in the catheter.
It just hurts me to think about I'll stop now.
OK, to quickly change the subject, my mom and brother were in town for the weekend for some business. I didn't get to see them much because of my hours and that I needed to sleep most of the day. However, it was pretty awesome to wake up and have all this food cooked. I still have a ton of leftovers so I'll be enjoying Filipino food for the next week or so.
It was an awesome day today, one of those "California-esque" spring days. It was around 80 degrees with a slight breeze. PERFECT. So I actually spent some time outside, got some Vietnamese food for lunch and topped it off with some frozen yogurt. An old college buddy opened up a fro-yo place here in town and I must say, it's right up there with YogurtLand. So at least I have that out here.
Tomorrow is supposed to be equally nice and even a bit cooler. I hope to get out there early again and get some more sun, as I'm quite pale these days. Maybe toss the old frisbee around and shoot some hoops...or maybe just sit my old ass on a park bench and watch other people do those things. Hey, at least I'm outside right?
That's it for me. Hope ya'll are doing well out there in cyberspace. Boy Gaga out!
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