I would say my swing is getting a little better, bit by bit. My younger cousin here has sectionals golf tournament this weekend, and she should advance to the state tournament. Her older sister has been giving me some tips as well - she was a state qualifier during high school as well. But, I'm a long ways away from being a serviceable golfer. My putting and short game still needs a LOT of work.
However, I'm getting more and more comfortable driving the ball (you know, the big hit at the start). I've been hitting 200 yards, and if I can correct this little slice I should be OK off the tee.
Hmm, what else is new....oh yeah, not much. My brother did make the move back to the Pacific Northwest this week. I did have a dream that I also moved to Seattle after working for a few years here in Missouri to get some experience. I would actually relish that move. As much as I would love to move back out to California, I think a change of pace would be nice. I've always liked Seattle and wouldn't mind the rain for a few years anyways (though I do want to get an automatic car since I hate driving manual in the rain).
I ran into a couple funny things on the interwebs this past week that I thought I'd share. You've probably seen the first ad somewhere but I thought it was a hilarious look at how blatant the gender roles used to be. I'm not saying that the gender roles are completely gone (I don't think they ever will be), but at least they aren't as in-your-face as it used to be.

I just hope the husband didn't beat her too badly for ruining the hamburger helper. I also like the fact that there are two bottles on the table, as if he'd let that barefooted skank have one of his Schlitz cold ones.
I am also still working on learning how to cook better. I do find myself enjoying cooking, and sometimes wish I had other people to cook for. Whenever I cook I end up eating the same leftovers for 3 or 4 days in a row, and that gets old. I'm actually about to bake some more of my honey soy tilapia for my weekend work dinners. I've been trying to up my spice tolerance as well, I'm happy to report that my upper limit has moved from 2 (on a 1 to 10 scale) to a 3!
I saw this next picture as I was searching on medical websites for info in my pharmacology class. I just thought it was funny that the picture they had for E.D. (erectile dysfunction) was a really buff dude. I guess the poor chap is compensating for something.
Oh well, that's all from my neck of the woods. Tonight is gonna be a busy night of studying, baking and laundry...oh what a charmed life I lead. As they would say on Jersey Shore...SBL! Oh last thing, speaking of Jersey Shore, I've thankfully never watched an episode, but saw this awesomeness on College Humor. Its Jersey Shore made like an 90's 8 bit video game RPG - you old Nintendo fans will love it. I thought it was great.
I can promise you
You'll stay as beautiful
With dark hair
And soft skin
"Possum Kingdom" by The Toadies