Thursday, January 28, 2010


Hello People of Earth!

(For those of you who don't know that's my little tribute to Conan O'Brien)

First off, Happy New Decade to you all. Its been quite some time since my last blog...I mean I haven't written since last decade. BTW I'm not sure I'm down with calling 2000-2009 the "Aughts". I was pretty lazy to write over the holiday break, and to be honest, there really wasn't much for me to relate.

However, quick recap. Christmas was spent at my place in Columbia. New Years was just spent chilling at my parents in Hays. My brother and sister came bringing their progeny with them. This meant trying to childproof my home as much as possible. Veronica, the 3 year old is pretty good about not breaking stuff, but Olivienne is only 13 months and just recently mastered ambling around and climbing stairs, so she was causing a ruckus. She is deceptively quick and strong...

Probably the only notable thing over the holiday was my decision to apply to Mustache School. For those of you who are shaking your head, unaware of this fine institution, please let me digress. The origins of Mustache School are long and storied...actually its not, but go with me. While I'm not exactly sure who coined the phrase (I have my suspicions), it is an homage to the fine young Filipino boys who grew up in Vallejo California who found it quite fashionable to maintain hair above their upper lips.

I do confess, when I first saw the high school picture of my then roommate (who we shall call M. Nozaug to protect the innocent) I couldn't help but chuckle. Positioned so delicately below his nose rested a neatly trimmed bar of black facial hair. The mustache stood silently at attention, like an obsidian guardian that would prevent any and all possible intruders from entering his nostrils.

Now, please don't think I'm trying to insult M. Nozaug. Also, I will concur that the mustache was and still is a favored commodity among both the Filipino youths and elders. If I were to wager a guess, I would think that probably 90% of Filipino gents in Vallejo rocked this look. My reaction was simply one of shock and mild amusement (tho I do wish I had that picture to post on the blog...maybe I should call his mom).

So getting back to my application to this hallowed fraternity of mustached men. I had basically been clean shaven since I hit puberty (and no you assholes, that wasn't when I was 19). My first impetus to shave came in 8th grade. When, my sister told me that one of her friends thought I was cute, but I would be cuter if I shaved. I hadn't even realized then that I had facial hair.

Roughly a decade later, I decided to grow out my chin stubble and try to form it into a pathetic goatee. I use this ruse to make it look like I have a chin. If women can wear make-up, well then damn it, I will fake a chin.

SIDE NOTE: I recently shaved off this goatee for the first time in about 3 years and I'm definitely bringing it back. As some of you who received a panicked text may remember, I realized that without the goatee I look like a chubby 12 year old. I suppose "with it" I just look like a chubby 30 year old.

So, over the holidays I figured I'd be spending most of my days lounging about the house without having to deal with any strangers. I decided to try and see what I'd look like if I had a mustache. I wondered if I could even grow enough hair to resemble something solid. I mean, I could probably count the amount of hair I can grow in my cheeks. My guessimate is 38 on the right and 44 on the left.

Sadly, my foray into the Mustache School was a failure. I'm happy there aren't any pictures (that I know of) that covered this international incident circulating on the Internet. While the shape of the mustache would probably be considered adequate, the amount of hair left much to be desired. My upper lip looked a little bit like a deciduous forest during the winter months.

Realizing that the sparse sprouting of hair made for a poor mustache, and it made me look more homeless than handsome (or "guapo" as the Filipina's would say) I quickly brandished the Mach 3 razor and ended this experiment.

Alas, unless I get picked to go on Survivor or another show that doesn't allow me access to a razor, I will continue to keep my upper lip smooth.

In other non-facial hair related news, I finally got an interview with the University hospital here for a nursing assistant position (I applied over 8 months ago!). The interview with HR went very well and she's setting me up with the clinical department managers. The two positions I'm looking at are either in Adult Medicine or Oncology. Both are full-time positions and are 12 hour shifts Friday to Sunday, the shift is 7 pm to 7 am.

The hours are appealing to me since I'm quite the night owl. While my weekends would be spoken for, I'm quite excited to be getting clinical experience. I'm also still working on getting a part-time position at another hospital in town during the week. I'm all about getting all the work experience that I can at this point. Hopefully I'll get some more news about the positions soon.

Well, that's it for me for now. I'll definitely update the blog more soon. Hope your 2010 is going well!